Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens in Fairfax VA

Aug 4, 2018


Welcome to Fiore Floral, your go-to online flower shop for all your floral needs. We take pride in offering a wide range of exquisite floral arrangements for various occasions, and one of our standout bouquets is Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens. Perfect for Halloween, this bouquet is designed to add a touch of elegance to your frightful celebrations.

Discover Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens

At Fiore Floral, we understand the importance of finding the perfect bouquet to express your sentiments. The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is the epitome of spooky sophistication. Crafted with precision and care, this bouquet combines seasonal flowers and foliage to create an enchanting arrangement.

Our talented florists hand-select each bloom, ensuring that every Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a work of art. The combination of dark, dramatic flowers, vibrant autumnal hues, and unique textures adds depth and character to this hauntingly beautiful arrangement.

Features and Components

Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens is a stunning blend of seasonal blooms, carefully curated and arranged to showcase the essence of Halloween. The bouquet typically includes:

  • Rich, deep red dahlias
  • Fragrant purple roses
  • Eye-catching black calla lilies
  • Dark orange marigolds
  • Green foliage with touches of black accents
  • Gorgeous thistles for added texture

Each flower in the Ghostly Gardens bouquet is selected for its unique qualities and ability to evoke the mysterious spirit of Halloween.

The Perfect Halloween Gift

Whether you're looking to decorate your haunted house or surprise a loved one with a spooky gift, Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens is the ideal choice. This bouquet is versatile and can serve as the centerpiece for your Halloween party or as a thoughtful gift for someone special.

With its captivating blend of colors and textures, the Ghostly Gardens bouquet transforms any space into a bewitching display of Halloween elegance.

Ordering from Fiore Floral

Ordering your Ghostly Gardens bouquet from Fiore Floral is a seamless and convenient process. Simply visit our website and browse our extensive collection of floral arrangements. Look for the Ghostly Gardens bouquet and select the size that fits your needs.

We offer same-day delivery to Fairfax VA and the surrounding areas, ensuring your Ghostly Gardens bouquet arrives at its destination in perfect condition. Our professional delivery team handles each bouquet with care, providing a thoughtful and delightful experience for both sender and recipient.


Fiore Floral is proud to offer Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens, a bewitching bouquet that captures the spirit of Halloween. With its carefully chosen blooms, exquisite arrangement, and captivating colors, this bouquet is sure to impress.

Shop online now and embrace the enchantment of Halloween with our Ghostly Gardens bouquet. Make a statement at your next haunted gathering or surprise a loved one with a gift that embodies the magic of the season. Fiore Floral is here to help you express your sentiments in the most beautiful and unique way possible.

Brenna Norman
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a testament to the artistry and creativity of Fiore Floral. Perfect for the Halloween season!
Nov 15, 2023
James Bayliss
I am enchanted by the ethereal appeal of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's a mesmerizing choice for Halloween ambiance.
Nov 13, 2023
Robin Pietschmann
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet from Teleflora is the perfect Halloween touch of elegance for your celebrations. Check out Fiore Floral for all your floral needs!
Nov 10, 2023
Peter With
I'm impressed by the creativity and design of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's truly a work of art!
Oct 20, 2023
Robert Engstrom
I'm in awe of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet's intricate design. It's a stunning homage to the spirit of Halloween.
Oct 7, 2023
Yasser Ramadan
Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens bouquet is like a haunting sonnet brought to life in floral form. Mesmerizing and beautiful!
Aug 1, 2023
Gildardo Jimenez
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a standout creation that perfectly captures the essence of Halloween with its enchanting design.
Jun 17, 2023
Lana Vulicevic
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a captivating blend of spookiness and sophistication. Perfect for a spellbinding Halloween display!
May 20, 2023
Michael Thibodeau
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is perfect for adding a spooktacular touch to any Halloween celebration!
Mar 21, 2023
Philippe Heiz
I can imagine the Ghostly Gardens bouquet adding a touch of mystery and enchantment to any Halloween event.
Mar 9, 2023
Melita Lee
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a striking fusion of elegance and eerie charm. Truly a work of floral art!
Feb 28, 2023
Alex Ritter
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a bewitching choice for those who love to embrace the Halloween spirit.
Feb 8, 2023
Rick Chavis
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a bewitching work of art that brings a sense of enchantment to the Halloween season.
Jan 21, 2023
Igor Odnovorov
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is like a symphony of spookiness and sophistication. A truly magical creation!
Dec 21, 2022
Alisal Ranch
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a masterful creation that captures the essence of Halloween in a beautifully unique way.
Dec 19, 2022
Juan Liranzo
I am enchanted by the ethereal appeal of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's a mesmerizing choice for Halloween ambiance.
Dec 15, 2022
Dave Hummel
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a bewitching blend of creativity and elegance. It's sure to enchant all who lay eyes on it at Halloween.
Dec 5, 2022
Corey South
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet adds a touch of eerie elegance to any Halloween setting. It's a spellbinding choice for the season.
Sep 24, 2022
Chris Raimann
I'm completely under the spell of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's a breathtaking interpretation of Halloween's allure.
Jul 29, 2022
Scott Flexman
I'm enchanted by the ethereal allure of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's a bewitching floral spectacle for Halloween.
Jul 15, 2022
Shane Higgins
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is like a haunting melody captured in floral form. It's sure to add an enchanting touch to any Halloween celebration.
May 31, 2022
Kathy Andrews
I'm absolutely bewitched by the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's a stunning representation of the magic of Halloween.
May 24, 2022
Kimberly O'Donnell
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is like a whisper from the other side. It's both haunting and beautiful, making it a captivating choice for Halloween.
Apr 10, 2022
Bernie Ohara
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a masterful representation of Halloween's enchanting charm. A truly bewitching floral masterpiece!
Mar 25, 2022
Kate Knouse
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a spellbinding creation that captures the essence of Halloween in an exquisitely beautiful way.
Mar 8, 2022
David McMurray
I'm entranced by the eerie allure of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's a hauntingly beautiful addition to any Halloween celebration.
Mar 6, 2022
John Oswalt
I am captivated by the haunting elegance of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's the perfect embodiment of Halloween magic!
Feb 28, 2022
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is like a piece of Halloween magic. It's truly a remarkable floral creation.
Jan 29, 2022
Gary Smith
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet embodies the spirit of Halloween with its hauntingly beautiful floral arrangement.
Jan 12, 2022
Michael Cannon
I can't wait to get my hands on the Ghostly Gardens bouquet for a Halloween party. It's sure to be a showstopper!
Dec 25, 2021
Hilart Abrahamian
The Ghostly Garden's bouquet is a captivating blend of elegance and spookiness, making it an ideal choice for Halloween decor.
Nov 19, 2021
Dave Kraljic
I'm captivated by the whimsical allure of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's a bewitching addition to Halloween decor.
Aug 8, 2021
Tosca Martin
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a stunning example of floral artistry, capturing the spirit of Halloween in an entrancing manner.
Aug 6, 2021
Nirod Dananjan
I am in awe of the ethereal beauty of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's the perfect embodiment of Halloween magic!
Jul 31, 2021
Robert Vigdor
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a breathtaking fusion of charm and mystique. It's sure to captivate all onlookers during Halloween.
Apr 26, 2021
Ben Hammond
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a testament to the artistry and creativity of Fiore Floral. Perfect for the Halloween season!
Apr 7, 2021
John Mitchell
Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a mesmerizing nod to the enchantment of Halloween. An absolute delight!
Mar 23, 2021
Lori Maatta
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a must-have for anyone looking to elevate their Halloween decorations with elegance and style.
Jan 2, 2021
Matthew Kobata
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet captures the spirit of Halloween with its unique and eerie floral arrangement.
Nov 8, 2020
I adore the hauntingly beautiful Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's sure to add a touch of magic to any Halloween gathering.
Nov 6, 2020
Nathalie Rizzo
The creativity and artistry in the Ghostly Gardens bouquet is simply spellbinding. A hauntingly beautiful masterpiece!
Oct 28, 2020
Bradley Davis
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is like a symphony of spookiness and sophistication. A truly magical creation!
Oct 11, 2020
Brandon Tilby
Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens bouquet is like a melody of magic and mystery. It's simply bewitching!
Oct 5, 2020
Jerry West
The captivating Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a testament to the artistry and skill of the Fiore Floral team. Simply enchanting!
Sep 27, 2020
Tim Cornish
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a captivating blend of elegance and spookiness, making it an ideal choice for Halloween adornment.
Sep 18, 2020
Alen Shan
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a bewitching display of creativity and artistry. It's sure to captivate onlookers at any Halloween event.
Aug 24, 2020
Nels Lindahl
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a masterful creation that captures the essence of Halloween in a beautifully unique way.
Jul 20, 2020
Andrea Suarez
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is the perfect mix of spooky and sophisticated. A great addition to any Halloween decor.
Jul 10, 2020
Michal Petras
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is absolutely enchanting! It's the perfect addition to any Halloween celebration.
Jun 29, 2020
Lorraine Landfried
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is filled with spooky charm and would make a captivating addition to any Halloween setting.
May 13, 2020
Josh Kerbel
I love the creativity and attention to detail in the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's perfect for the spooky season!
Apr 29, 2020
Michael Mandl
I'm smitten by the Ghostly Gardens bouquet's ethereal allure. It's the perfect floral statement for Halloween.
Mar 11, 2020
Clay Hawks
Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a bewitching masterpiece that promises to enchant all who behold it. Truly breathtaking!
Mar 7, 2020
Kerri Reinholdt
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a captivating blend of elegance and spookiness. Perfect for the Halloween season!
Feb 10, 2020
Katherine Hunter-Blyden
I'm captivated by the whimsical charm of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's a must-have for any Halloween enthusiast!
Jan 18, 2020
Xzx Defsdf
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a bewitching masterpiece that adds a touch of magic to Halloween. Truly enchanting!
Dec 27, 2019
Ricardo Campos
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a stunning way to bring the Halloween vibe to any space. Spine-chillingly beautiful!
Nov 30, 2019
Jim Gilbert
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a captivating blend of spooky charm and floral elegance. It's an exquisite addition to any Halloween gathering.
Nov 29, 2019
Anton Rabie
I can't help but be enchanted by the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's the epitome of Halloween elegance!
Sep 25, 2019
William Jobling
I'm captivated by the haunting elegance of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's the perfect floral highlight for Halloween.
Aug 6, 2019
Steven Leto
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a bewitching work of art that captures the enchantment of Halloween in every petal.
Jul 24, 2019
Lahore - Allama Iqbal International Airport
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a mesmerizing creation that infuses the Halloween spirit into every bloom. A spine-chilling delight!
Jul 22, 2019
Felix Calvillo
Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens bouquet is an enchanting way to add a touch of mystery and allure to any Halloween celebration.
Jun 25, 2019
Percy Roberts
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is filled with spooky charm and would make a captivating addition to any Halloween setting.
May 2, 2019
Fabion Watson
Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a mesmerizing nod to the enchantment of Halloween. An absolute delight!
Mar 15, 2019
Mary Delaney
I'm completely under the spell of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's a breathtaking interpretation of Halloween's allure.
Feb 28, 2019
John Thorne
Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens bouquet would make a great centerpiece for a Halloween party. Simply stunning!
Feb 5, 2019
Kristi Nyquist
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a captivating blend of spooky charm and floral elegance. It's an exquisite addition to any Halloween gathering.
Jan 27, 2019
Tegest Bekele
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a hauntingly spectacular creation that brings the magic of Halloween to life in every petal.
Dec 31, 2018
Juan Grau
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a perfect blend of eerie and elegant. It's definitely a standout for Halloween decor.
Nov 21, 2018
Evan Grossman
The Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a bewitching masterpiece that adds a touch of magic to Halloween. Truly enchanting!
Sep 7, 2018
Funnel Test
The combination of dark and vibrant flowers in the Ghostly Gardens bouquet creates a hauntingly beautiful display.
Sep 5, 2018
Wes Townsend
I'm entranced by the ethereal beauty of the Ghostly Gardens bouquet. It's a stunning representation of the enchantment of Halloween.
Sep 2, 2018
Dawn Robson
Teleflora's Ghostly Gardens bouquet is a hauntingly beautiful floral arrangement that adds a touch of enchantment to Halloween.
Aug 16, 2018